Friday, September 14, 2012

Welcome to GF•Sweets

I guess you could say I'm a gluten free newbie. I was diagnosed with Celiac on September 5th, 2012.

I love to bake and my first reaction to recently learning that I could never have gluten again was, "well, that's the end of that!" Then I started doing some research and asking friends and family for tips. I was amazed to find that there are a lot of gluten free options out there. I was even more amazed to learn what's really off limits. Did you know that Nestle brand butterscotch chips have wheat in them?

Not willing to give up on an occasional cookie or cupcake, I tried a local GF bakery. Their cupcakes weren't bad, but not the same.  I tried store-bought brown rice bread (really only good if toasted and slathered with honey and peanut butter), a boxed bread mix, and some interesting cake & brownie bar recipes that were actually pretty good.

But what I really wanted to do was figure out how to make the same baked goods I used to, without compromising flavor and texture, using gluten free baking techniques. How hard could it be.

I started out with baby steps, making a couple of recipes from The Cake Mix Doctor Bakes Gluten Free. They turned out really yummy. Even my family and friends enjoyed them.

My next step was to see if I could make cookies, with my own recipe, converting the ingredients to Gluten Free. They came out amazing.

So, as I begin the process of experimenting with my recipes, I will be posting my gluten free variations here on GF•Sweets so everyone can share in my sweet successes.

I hope you enjoy!

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