Friday, October 12, 2012

GF•Sweets Fluffy Gluten-Free Biscuits

Besides banana's and eggs, this morning I realized we were out of gluten-free breakfast options, so I decided to attempt making a gluten-free biscuit.  To my delight, they turned out fluffy and delicious. My son said "Mom, if you hadn't told me these were gluten-free, I would not have known."  

This recipe is light, fluffy and great with a pat of butter and your favorite jam. I used boysenberry on mine. The are also delicious with honey. (I had to go back for seconds!)


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

GF•Sweets Banana Sunrise Gluten Free Muffins

I woke up early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Then I remembered the bundle of ripe bananas that have been nagging me all week. The result—some amazing gluten-free banana muffins with a citrus twist.

I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Amazing Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Amazing gluten free chocolate chip oatmeal cookies inspired by the Neiman Marcus recipe.

My favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe happens to be the famous Neiman Marcus $250 Cookie Recipe that has been circulated via email many times. On a whim, I tried them a few years back and fell in love. They are amazing.

Today, I decided to attempt my own Gluten Free variation, and with a lot of tweaks, they turned out great. The finished cookie is chewy and delicious.

I hope you'll give them a try!